Your dream becomes reality
Total Price*
SGD 274,180
Base Price
SGD 254,588
Sum of selected options
SGD 19,592
* The indicative price listed is provided for information purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or attempt of sale. Please approach your Porsche Centre to confirm the availability and vehicle sale agreement. Price is without Certificate of Entitlement (COE) but includes a 5-year free maintenance and warranty package, registration fee, estimated additional registration fee (ARF), 12-month road tax, estimated vehicular emission scheme (VES) fee/rebate, and GST. The final price payable (including all incidental expenses) may be adjusted to reflect any revised or additional ARF, or additional expenses incurred by reason of the customers request. The dealer/Porsche Centre is responsible for informing the customer about the possibility of such price adjustment, and such price difference shall be borne by the customer solely. Please note that the images displayed may not be a complete and accurate representation of your chosen specification, therefore they should not be relied on. For further information on appearance, colour, equipment and other options, please contact your Porsche Centre.